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2024年05月14日 蜜蜂资讯



Today I would like to recommend "Psychological Support", a book by Professor Li, and I hope the parents of the “left-behind children” will read it carefully as it examines the importance of pre-adolescent upbringing.

Professor Li is an expert in criminal psychology and had access to many criminals for her research. She found that often early childhood experience was linked to why someone might commit a crime.

The book illustrates, in many cases, the relationship between a committing crimes and busy parents and explains the importance of good parenting - a child that has acted improperly may be the result of poor parenting. The book uses a large number of cases to show the relationship between committing crimes and busy parents.

Then how do we raise a child well? This book will surely help and inspire you since it uses a number of cases in support of its points.

An opinion from the author really impressed me. In “old” China, the mother was gentle, and the father was strict. Further, mothers didn’t work and didn’t socialize. Now, however, mom should be the “bad cop”, dad should be nicer and be the “good cop”. Moms should be firm and stick to principles, but with love.

This book is worth reading, and, after reading it, you should feel obliged to make time to accompany your children.





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